March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month — Protect your eyes! Whether you work in a warehouse, a construction site, or an office -or anywhere, really- protect your eyesight. Safety glasses, goggles, face shields, and other similar protective gear can protect your eyes from serious damage.
Do you know what prevents many eye injuries from happening? Wearing the proper protective eye safety gear!
Be prepared and choose the best eye protection based on the tasks you perform. There are many specialty glasses and goggles -think welding, chemicals, dust, extreme temperatures, and so on. But there are glasses and goggles that you can wear for multipurpose use, too.
Follow workplace guidelines and ask your supervisor if you are unsure of the type of protective gear you need.
Eye safety – important for everyone
Eye safety applies to everyone — even those who spend their work day seated in an office. If you use a computer all day, you should take breaks to give their eyes a rest and follow ergonomic guidelines. Keep your shoulders relaxed with elbows close to your sides and don’t rest your elbows on your desk or armrests.
Sit up straight and remember to blink.
Try the 20-20-20 rule
Final thoughts
Take care of your eyesight – your health and safety are never worth the risk of shortcuts, broken equipment, and on. One split second can change your vision -and your life- forever.
Remember sit or stand straight and give your eyes the little breaks that they need.
To learn more about eye safety, visit OSHA’s page Eye and Face Protection.
To learn more about A.R.M., click here.