To answer the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” use two sources to craft your answer.
First, take an honest look inside and ask yourself those questions.
Second, ask friends, family, and previous coworkers how they view your strengths and weaknesses.
Prepare to discuss at least 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses. Stay away from cliches like “perfectionist” and “workaholic” because, well, they’re cliches so not believable. Own up to your faults and discuss how you plan to improve or have improved. For example, “Sometimes I take criticism a little too personally, but I’ve been working on this and continue to improve.” As always, we recommend practicing with a trusted person until you are comfortable with your answer. You can do it!
A.R.M. is committed to providing opportunities for gainful employment in safe settings where hard work is valued & rewarded.
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